UNA Tanzania is implementing the climate resilience project in Mpwapwa District which aims to pilot a 7-pillar regional resilience model in Tanzania to strengthen the ability of communities to cope with and regulate the effects of climate change. The 7 pillars model focuses on engaging the communities to drive their nature-based solutions which can help create sustainable living conditions in their villages. The 7 pillars are natural resources management and environmental sustainability; community health and water; governance and human rights-based approaches; economic empowerment; peace building, safety and security; infrastructure development as well as education empowerment. The project is conducted in partnership with IAS Kenya and LM in Tanzania.

On 13th September 2023, UNA Tanzania facilitated a strategic advocacy meeting between CSOs & CBOs working within Mpwapwa District with duty bearers to propose recommendations aimed at enhancing climate resilience in the District.

Ms. Ummilkher Yassin, Advocacy and Communications Officer at UNA Tanzania facilitating the strategic advocacy session.

The meeting was attended by Hon. Noel K. Abel; Acting District Executive Director, Bahati D. Magumula; The District Community Development Officer, and included 25 participants including representatives from CSOs and CBOs such as HakiElimu, Federation of Associations of People With Disabilities (SHIVYAWATA), The International Small Group & Tree Planting Program (TIST), Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT), Mpwapwa Development Society, LEAD Foundation and Action Girls Foundation. The meeting began with facilitating a session on lobbying and advocacy, leading the participants to formulate a presentation of smart recommendations to propose to the duty barriers. The participants had an opportunity to present their recommendations followed by a constructive dialogue on how the recommendations can be implemented but also the responsibilities of the community towards building resilient communities in Mpwapwa. The key recommendations focused on;

  • Enhancing awareness raising on climate change by focusing on the impacts, alternative means to combat, and resilient measures among the community
  • Enforcing strict environmental protection laws and regulations
  • Effective governance of all departmental budgets involved with the environment sector i.e. water, natural resources, land & agriculture departments

Ayubu Luhunga, representative from Mpwapwa Development Society presenting the recommendations to Hon. Noel K. Abel; Acting District Executive Director on behalf of the CSOs & CBOs.

Facilitating strategic dialogues between duty barriers and key community stakeholders like CSOs and CBOs is essential in order to lay the foundation for the community to have meaningful planned interactions with their duty barriers through facilitated procedures, this promotes accountability and enhances long-lasting change.