UNA Tanzania is implementing the climate resilience project in Mpwapwa District which aims to pilot a 7-pillar regional resilience model in Tanzania to strengthen the ability of communities to cope with and regulate the effects of climate change. The 7 pillars model focuses on engaging the communities to drive local cost-effective solutions that can help create sustainable living conditions in their villages. In partnership with International Aid Services in Kenya and LM in Tanzania, we are changing the lives of farmers in the district.
As part of the project UNA Tanzania has handed over farm inputs to 33 farmers from all the villages in Ng’ambi Ward and 2 community institutions; 1 school and 1 church. The inputs included 3.5 tons of fertilizers, 250 kg of millet and vegetable seeds, 150 kg of plastic sheet for ground installation of the rainwater harvesting dams, 630 triple layered food preservation bags, 35 litres plant boosting fertilizers, and 4 herbicides/pesticides sprayers. Hon. Obert Mwalyego, The Ag. District Administrative Secretary on behalf of the District Commissioner of Mpwapwa, graced the handover.
Providing farm inputs to farmers in the ward is an integral component of the project. We aim to impact the local community to become climate-resilient, ensuring food security and enhanced livelihood through the provision of farm inputs including resistant seeds, raising awareness of best farming practices as well as enhancing crop value chain and food preservation techniques , and promoting local methods for rainwater harvesting.