SDGs stakeholders coordination
On 11th to 13th of April, UNA Tanzania cooperated with the Ministry of Finance and Planning in Tanzania to coordinate a technical working group composed of CSOs, Private Sector, Researchers and Academicians in Dodoma for a Capacity Needs Assessment (CAN) session. Around 40 representatives participated, among them there were civil society organizations such as United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Tanzania Chapter, Tanzania Gender networking Programme (TGNP), Haki Elimu, Tanganyika Law Society (TLS), Policy Forum, Associations of Tanzania Employers (ATE) and Mulika Tanzania.
The main purpose of the assessment was to identify existing capacities, gaps, and support needs of government institutions for translating SDGs into FYDP III through their plans and programs at the country level. In doing so, the Ministry of Finance and Planning assembled a team of experts to create a questionnaire in order to collect relevant information from stakeholders, which will then be analyzed and recommendations will be made to all SDGs actors on how to improve the implementation, monitoring, and reporting of the SDGs in order to achieve the 2030 agenda.
The assessment covered key 13 attributes which are; Attribute I: Integration of FYDP III priorities and SDGs into Strategic Plans, Attribute II: Financing and Resources Mobilization, Attribute III: Human Resources with Relevant Skills, Attribute IV: Data (Availability, Quality, Time) and Utilization of Data, Attribute V:Institutional Framework (Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks), Attribute VI: Innovation for SDGs, Attribute VII: Technology, Attribute VIII: Capacity Building and Awareness Campaigns regarding SDGs, Attribute IX: Engagement/Partnership, Attribute X: Three-Dimension Approach (Economic, Environment & Social), Attribute XI: Research, Attribute XII: Advocacy for Policy and Implementation of SDGs, Attribute XIII: Publications and Dissemination.
UNA Tanzania remains to be in the forefront to coordinate the efforts done by various SDGs actors in Tanzania, in order to join hands with the government in the process of making sure the plans of the country and those of stakeholders aligns with the global goals, are transformed into Strategic plans that are mainstreamed into the strategies of CSOs and government institutions in order to facilitate the achievement of the global goals.