CSOs Information sharing session
UNA Tanzania in partnership with Freedom House and Pact Tanzania under USAID support conducted a Civil Society Organizations’ session for collecting inputs to develop a booklet on human trafficking. The session was held on 28th and 29th of June 2022 at Seashells Millennium Hotel, Dar-es-salaam and brought together 15 representatives whereas 4 were Female and 11 were male. The main objective of the session was to gather inputs from different CSOs representatives working around human trafficking to come up with a comprehensive booklet which will be used for advocacy and awareness raising in the community.
During the session Baraka Thomas from Bridge for Change emphasized that “In order to be easily understandable the booklet should be informative with simple examples on types of human trafficking like sex trafficking, labor trafficking and debt bondage trafficking”.
On the other hand Ally Mwamzola from Youth of United Nations Association (YUNA) of Tanzania as he was presenting inputs from his group insisted that, “One of an important aspect to be included in the booklet is indicators of human trafficking, the community should be made aware of signs to look at that may help identify trafficked persons, such signs may include a person who is sexually exploited, labor exploited, a person who is begging or committing petty crimes”.